学术报告201103-德国德累斯顿材料研究所habil. Oliver Gutfleisch博士学术报告通知


报告人:PD Dr. habil. Oliver GutfleischIEEE Magnetics Society Distinguished Lecturer 2011Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden (IFW Dresden), Institute for Metallic Materials, P.O. Box 270016, D-01171 Dresden, Germany
报告题目:"magnetic materials in sustainable energy"
地点:   曹光彪大楼三楼326会议室
时间: 201156(周五)上午9
Abstract:The lecture focuses on the state-of-the-art hard and soft magnets and magnetocaloric materials with an emphasis on their optimization for energy applications. Specifically, the impact of hard magnets on electric motor and transportation technologies, of soft magnetic materials on electricity generation and conversion technologies, and of magnetocaloric materials for refrigeration technologies, will be discussed.
The synthesis, characterization, and property evaluation of the materials, with an emphasis on structure-property relationships, will be examined in the context of their respective markets as well as their potential impact on energy efficiency.
Finally, considering future bottle-necks in raw materials and in the supply chain, options for recycling of rare-earth metals will be analysed.


Master in Material Science, Technical University of Berlin, Germany
PhD, School of Metallurgy and Materials, University of Birmingham, UK
Post-doctoral fellow, University of Birmingham, UK
Research fellow at IFW Dresden, Germany
Group leader „Functional Magnetic Materials and Hydrides
Habilitation, Technical University of Dresden, „Functional Materials”
Associate professor TU Dresden„Materialsfor Energy Applications
Visiting professor Imperial College London, UK
Visiting advisor NIMS Tsukuba, Japan

190 publications in refereed journals
His current research interest includeshigh performance permanent magnets for E-mobility and energy applications, magnetocaloric materials and magnetic cooling, ferromagnetic shape memory alloys,solid state hydrogen storage
PD Dr. habil. Oliver Gutfleisch
IFW Dresden
Helmholtzstr. 20
D - 01069 Dresden, Germany
tel. +49 351 4659 664 / fax +49 351 4659 541