学术报告201107-美国爱荷华州立大学Matthew J.Kramer教授学术报告会


报告题目:纳米尺度的复杂的化学反应的分析技术Techniques for Characterizing Complex Chemistries at the Nanoscale
报告人:Matthew  J. Kramer
地点:   曹光彪大楼三楼326会议室
时间: 2011613(周一)上午9
内容简介: Many advanced functional materials are exploiting unique properties of matter at the nano-scale. In order to fully characterize the composition, chemistry and atomic structure of these complex materials the full complement of tools of the modern TEM are brought to bear: Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM) and coupled with a High Angle Annular Dark Field (HAADF) detector can help to easily distinguish the high atomic mass compounds from compounds containing lighter elements. Simultaneous energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) are complimentary methods where the former is more sensitive to heavy elements while the latter is more sensitive to light elements. Their combined use is crucial to analyzing complex compounds that contain mixtures of light and heavy elements. In addition, EELS has better energy resolution allowing for better separation of neighboring elements on the periodic table. Energy Filtered Transmission Electron Microscopy (EFTEM) allow for rapid elemental mapping. Lessons learned from studies of a number of permanent magnet alloys will be used to highlight the strength and weakness of a number of nano-characterization methods in the modern TEM.
Ames Laboratory                     Tel: 515-294-0276
225 Wilhelm Hall                                  Fax: 515-294-4291
Ames, IA 50011-3020                         mjkramer@ameslab.gov
2002-present      Senior Scientist, Division of Materials Science and Engineering (DMSE)
2001-present      Group Leader, Materials Characterization/DMSE
1996-2001          Scientist: Metallurgy and Ceramics Division, Ames Laboratory
1989-1995          Associate Scientist: Metallurgy and Ceramics Division, Ames Laboratory
2010-present      Adjunct Professor: Department of Materials Science and Engineering
1996-2010          Adjunct Associate Professor: Department of Materials Science and Engineering and Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences
1989-1995          Assistant Adjunct Professor: Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences
Materials Research Society, The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society and Microscopy Society of America
Co-recipient of the Materials Chemistry Outstanding Scientific Accomplishment Award for “Surface Properties of Quasicrystals”, 1998; R & D 100, Nanocrystalline Composite Coercive Magnet Powders, 1997; Co-recipient of the Department of Energy Materials Science Award for Significant Implication for DOE Related Technologies in Metallurgy and Ceramics, 1996; Co-recipient of the Department of Energy Materials Science Award for Sustained Outstanding Research in Solid State Physics, 1995.
Structure and properties of glass forming metallic alloys, aperiodic intermetallic alloys, permanent magnets and high temperature alloys; development of in situ time resolved methods using electron microscopy and high energy X-ray diffraction; analytical electron microscopy; advanced imaging techniques for understanding rapid solidification
Refereed Journal Publications: 251       Invited Talks: 52                   Patents: 6